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ID : 870617
Title : You can take advantage of them
=== Description ===
In the long run, if you're considering solid selling strategies, items such as armor and weapons that you're putting your bets on that the server will buy in mass from the auction house or directly from you is extremely profitable.

It is advisable to keep a large supply of these on the Auction House at all times is definitely advised. It is also possible to make a couple of different hand-crafted items that are crafted, but we haven't gone in much detail about crafted items for any other profession. They're worth talking about because they are 200 ilevel, which is the maximum ilevel.

However, you can take advantage of them when you reach 77 so that you can use them while you're in the process of leveling. Many players are willing to buy them for their old switch their leveling that doesn't have the heirloom staff. Or simply a pair of decent one handed weapon that they have to go into next week for the very first time. It's the one I'm talking about though Donia Darkmoon card of the North. It's a wonderful orange method of making gold as in the event of a bad luck, you could waste lots of matches trying to acquire a nobles card.

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