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ID : 870092
Title : Diablo Immortal is now available on mobile devices
=== Description ===
An Diablo 3.0 Season 28 is just as likely as the Diablo 3's next resurrection. In the next few weeks, Season 27 will begin to end and Season 28 will begin clawing its way out of the Burning Hells.

Even though there's still a substantial chunk from Season 27 to go until Season 28 begins to emerge the next season, it's best to be prepared for the next Diablo attack. So, here is everything we know about when Season 27, which is the last season, will likely to come to an end, and before the start of Season 28 - and what the next theme might be.

In the moment that Diablo Immortal was announced at BlizzCon 2018, a single participant in the crowd stood before the designers of the free-to-play mobile title to question: "Is this an out-of-season April Fools' joke?" The general outrage and mockery continued to surround Diablo Immortal up until its recent launch. It's been the same since. However, it's not the reflexive reaction to disappointments or the fact that Diablo Immortal is now available on mobile devices. This is the result of Diablo Immortal's microtransactions which even though they're expensive, weren't created out of air.

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