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ID : 868263
Title : Also known in the form of Ronnie 2K
=== Description ===
Exclusive: Ronnie 2K Talks 2K23. Kevin Durant, Klay Thompson, Lil Wayne, and MoreNBA 2K23 has officially launched. With the excitement of gameplay with player ratings, cover stars as well as everything else related to the game's release, Ronnie Singh has been at the forefront of an enormous event every year.

Also known in the form of Ronnie 2K, Singh has seen NBA2K attain heights that were thought possible before when the team first featured Michael Jordan on their cover in 2011. Through an interview exclusive to the magazine, Singh spoke about the launch date the player's ratings, celebrity involvement, the game's community as well as that of the NBA2K team that makes it all possible.Note: This interview has been lightly edited and simplified for clarity.

"This game is so important for the people of the world, and there are so many people that are in this community. It's all about making sure our player base is really happy. It also is the NBA players who are part of our team as well as the celebrity athletes," Singh said. "So today I'm going to send a lot of codes to individuals. I've dropped off my game with Travis, PG, and some of the people that I'm really good friends with.

If you want to know more about NBA 2K MT, please visit https://www.nba2king.com/