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ID : 868107
Title : You get the chance to speak to her
=== Description ===
Lost Ark has almost 20 of these world bosses, however, these bosses continue increasing with each new update. In this guide, we'll specially cover how to locate and defeat The Lost Ark Tarmakum boss. While you are at it you can read our article on Lost Ark Vertus Pet.

There are a few things that you must complete prior to tackling your final enemy Tarmakum. There is an Factory inside a secret base located in a hidden region that lies in an ocean. Moreover, the name of the hidden location is Facility X-301, to access this facility, you will need to get a boat to travel across the Spectrum Ocean.

There are numerous side tasks you need to do prior to finishing your main mission. While you're at it, take a break and check out our guide to Best Lost Ark Mounts.

In the next step, there is NPC that is called Ronika located in Facility X301. at the moment you arrive, you will need to talk with Ronika. Her location is close to the southeast and she will be waiting for you when you arrive. Only after you've met Ronika you will learn about Lost Ark Tarmakum Location.

But, before you get the chance to speak to her, you'll have beat all the mobs on your way. After you've defeated all the foes, you will be able to speak with Ronika.

There are many cheap Lost Ark Gold for sale on P2Pah from trusted and verified sellers, P2Pah has won the recognition of users for its high-quality service and security over the years, so you can buy Lost Ark Gold with confidence. If you happen to have the Lost Ark Gold you want right now, you can visit https://www.p2pah.com/lost-ark-gold.html