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ID : 867936
Title : Our characters in the game are a representation of our character
=== Description ===
World of Warcraft : Shadowlands introduced a number of brand new character creation options for a variety of the game's playable races however, a couple, specifically those of the Horde's Nightborne and the Alliance's Light Forged Draenei, were absent. Thanks to what Blizzard calls "passionate feedback" regarding the issue, new customization options will be arriving earlier for these races than originally planned.

In February, at BlizzConline, Blizzard said no more character customizations for characters would be to be announced until the game's next expansion. However, that won't be the case, with new options now being offered in the form of Shadowlands' 9.1.5 patch.

World of Warcraft : Shadowlands: Chains of Domination

The new options include new hairstyles as well as colors as well as facial hair, skin colors Horns, accessories, hair length, tattoos and more. Void elves will have larger ear sizes, and there is a plan for additional Druid designs for travel as well as Night Fae soulshapes as well.

"Our characters in the game are a representation of our character in Azeroth and having more character customization options for our characters will help us connect with them," Blizzard writes in an official forum post that announces that they have added new features.

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