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ID : 864567
Title : It is easy to think that any radical changes made to World
=== Description ===
Having double the size of potential players to choose from this means PUG teams can have an abundance of potential players available and will not be as vulnerable to falling in the event of a player having to leave. Guilds will remain locked down to factions, however, just like cross-realm play is a reality, all players can immediately be invited to parties regardless of the faction. It is likely the case that General and Trade Chat will be faction-locked for PvP purposes, and players who have Warmode activated will be allowed to attack the opposing faction, outside of zones of safe zones and instances regardless of whether they belong to the same party.

Many of WoW's most popular Horde and Alliance questlines, specifically those relating to faction-specific encounters that are cross-faction, won't be for a long time so that players who level with friends from the other faction will have to occur in zones where the quests will be the same for both the Horde or Alliance. The automatic Looking for Group tool, utilized to form a group of random players for battlegrounds, arena, dungeons as well as LFR raiding, will also not be cross-faction as this change becomes available in Patch 9.2.5. This is likely to change in the future, since the implementation of cross-faction for LFG will drastically reduce the time it takes to queue.

It is easy to think that any radical changes made to World of Warcraft are merely an attempt to help subscribers following recent controversy regarding inappropriate content in WoW or Blizzard Entertainment, however this is not in any way confirmed and is still merely speculation. The concrete evidence comes from official statements made by the developers , and distinct trends observed in previous changes made on the gaming experience. Blizzard developers have explained their reasoning as derived from an emerging understanding that faction division between players was never the main thing that has made Warcraft the most loved game and offering players more or fewer options to play can only be a beneficial change.

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