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ID : 864566
Title : Office cleaner Wanted in North Sydney
=== Description ===
Number of people: One person.
Location: North Sydney (5min away on foot from North Sydney Station).
Time: Monday to Friday (5 days / week). You can start anytime after 7pm.
3.5 hours / day. (17.5 hours / week)
Wage: $ 22.00 / hour.

Very easy job. But It's not allow to finish the job earlier than 3 hours and 15mins and leave. The cleaners must log in and log out with a machine daily. Please text me your work career as a cleaner. I will call you after I see your text message.
Justine: 0421 381 190. (site supervisor)

If you want to speak in Thai, please text Thai supervisor.
Pan: 0420 831 242