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ID : 864538
Title : Even with the best intentions of giving us
=== Description ===
Apart from the inevitable development of Sylvanas Windrunner's story , there was the cost of the pandemic. The Activision Blizzard lawsuit couldn't have occurred at a more appropriate time as well. However, there are many other factors that have marred the latest expansion and are directly in the control of the developers currently in charge.


The Covenant system (opens in a new tab) was a major sticking point from the time it was first introduced at the launch of WoW WoTLK Classic in 2020. It offered players the option to join one of the four factions once you had reached the level 60 mark and conferred specific capabilities specific to your character. Conduits offered another option to modify your character and spec within your chosen Covenant. It's a good idea, except that it was nearly impossible to alter your mind without falling in the wrong direction.

Covenants was accompanied by legendary equipment, also providing each player with multiple choices with the effects of passive. However, the currency needed to make them was locked behind Torghast, which was easy to obtain for some classes , but an absolutely miserable experience for others.

After that, the Sanctum of Domination raid introduced Shards of Domination in the 9.1 patch, as an unusual option to set objects. Actually obtaining the socketed domination equipment was a headache for players because it might conflict (opens in a new tab) with the armour slot where you equip your legendary gear. Then , the Shard drops that you needed for your class were largely RNG-based, leading to the feeling that some players were less powerful than their luckier peers.

All these systems sounded exciting at first glance, and I understand the desire to give players a real possibility of playing their character. But as has always been the case, and not just in WoW, players will always select the most effective talents and gear by copying the best players, no matter the fact that they're playing LFR or raiding on mystic difficulty, or playing the occasional Mythicand dungeon.

Even with the best intentions of giving us control over the way we wish to play, it was no longer an option--for the majority of players, at least--as soon as someone figured out the meta. Making it difficult to switch between the two systems in order to make them optimal for different games, or even if there's a balance change in your game, or if it doesn't respect the player's time.

If you want to know more about WoTLK Classic Gold, please visit https://www.p2pah.com/